Rising Star Model & Singer Kylin Kalani On The Five Things You Need To Shine In The Entertainment… (2024)

As a part of my series about pop culture’s rising stars, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Kylin Kalani.

Kylin Kalani was born in Florida but grew up in the Bay Area before moving to Los Angeles to pursue her career as a model, actress, and singer. Kylin was just 6 years old when she first stepped in front of the camera as a model for Apple in iPhone commercials. That led to gracing the runways all over the world including LAFW, NYFW, London FW where she showcased the designs for Love Baby J, Will Franco, Joan’s Bridal, Rubens Osbaldo, Fouzias Couture, and many others. As a reality star, Kylin can be seen on Rising Fashion and Rising Fashion World Tour with Alexa Villalta. A talented singer, she has been on iHeartRadio Alter Ego and America’s Got Talent with Simon Cowell. Kylin can find fun and positivity in any situation which is why she has become one of the social media’s hottest young influencers with almost 800k followers on all platforms. Passionate about stopping cyberbullying, she has founded her own organization called wEyes Up which educates teens on internet safety and cyberbullying prevention. A typical teenager, Kylin loves fashion, shopping, and is a self-described foodie.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

Of course! Well, I was born in Florida and lived there until I was about 3. When the stock market and housing market crashed, we had to relocate to California. I’ve been raised in California and now feel as though I was born a Cali-Girl!

Can you share a story with us about what brought you to this specific career path?

When I was three, I always wanted to be a model. I always used to dress up and strut down the hallways in my mom’s heels that were way too big on me. Not only that, but I’d also constantly bug my mom to take photos and videos of me just so I could pose and talk about my fashion! Because of this obvious interest, my mom contacted Ford Modeling Agency. The next day, they called and asked us to drive to Miami so they could meet me. They said they loved my look and wanted to sign me in Miami. At the time my mom wasn’t ready to move to Miami. So, when we moved to California, my mom signed me with a local agency which then led to my Apple iPhone Commercial.

Can you tell us the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your entertainment career?

When I was at Miami Swim Week in June, we were all lined up backstage to do a practice walk for the runway show. Just as I was about to walk out, I felt this sudden jolt on my right heel. When I looked down, my heel was BROKEN! As they always say, the show must go on, so I strut out there in my half-broken heel and my walk that kind of looked like a limp and tried to finish strong. Thank goodness it was only the practice walk and not the real show! Luckily, I had an extra pair of heels with me because you know a model always carries an extra pair of heels!

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

I was on a reality TV show as a lead model and my job was to interview designers and models. One time I went through the entire interview thinking the designer was a model and asking them questions about modeling and they never corrected me until after the interview was over. I was so embarrassed! I learned not to assume things in the workplace especially when it comes to interviewing people. I learned I should have asked them questions before the cameras were rolling.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?

I just started an anti-cyberbullying organization that is aimed at helping teens stay safe on the internet.

Most young people your age doesn’t have to balance work and school. Can you tell us how you manage to balance your schoolwork, auditions, and time on set?

Balancing school and work can be really tough at times but what I do to stay balanced is every day when I wake up, I write out the things I need to do and organize them into timeslots. Whatever I don’t finish that day I add to my next day’s list. It takes a lot of late nights as well doing homework and balancing all my tasks but someone I manage to get it all done.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

I would like to shout out my mom for being my biggest role model as well as my number one cheerleader. She has pushed and guided me through so many obstacles and achievements. She made me the person I am today and keeps me humble and grounded. One thing that I am especially grateful for is, on those days where I feel like I can’t keep going, she is always there to help me through. Love you, mom!

Ok thank you for all that. Now let’s jump to the main part of our interview. What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. (Please share a story or example for each.)

5 things I wish someone told me when I first started is…

1. Success takes a lot of time. It doesn’t happen as fast as you may think it will, so you have to be very patient.

2. There will most likely be a lot of days that you want to quit, but you have to keep going in order to make your dreams come true.

3. Be very careful of people who promise you things that sound too good to be true.

4. Go with your gut feeling, your instincts are most likely correct.

5. You have to be clear about your goals. Because if you don’t know what you’re looking for, you probably won’t find it.

You are a person of enormous influence. How do you think you can use social media as a platform to be a positive influence to your fans, and for society at large?

On my social media platforms, I have always tried to use it as a place for positivity, love, and acceptance. I try to lead by example and show my followers that it is cool to love and accept everyone no matter what. “No matter what” being what they look like, age, gender, social status, etc. It is especially important to judge a person by their heart rather than what they look like.

If you had the ability to choose to work on any TV show or film, or work alongside any co-star, or with any director, what or who would that be, and why? You never know who might see this article, especially if we tag them. :-)

If I had the ability to work with any costar, I would have to say I dream of working with Zendaya. She is an incredible actress who has done many styles of acting and can play almost any part you throw at her. She’s definitely an inspiration to me. As far as directors go, Chloe Zhao would be a dream come true to work for.

How can our readers follow you on social media?

Follow me on Instagram and all social media platforms under my name @kylinkalani .

This was very meaningful, thank you so much!

Rising Star Model & Singer Kylin Kalani On The Five Things You Need To Shine In The Entertainment… (2024)


Is Kalani a model? ›

Kalani does a lot of modeling and even has her own backpack line called Kalani by Adee. Kalani studies dance at Club Dance with Brynn Rumfallo. The girls later went on to co-star on "Dance Moms" together.

When was Kylin Kalani born? ›

Kylin Kalani, born on December 30, 2005, is an established American model who has made a lot of noteworthy accomplishments since she started modeling.

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Sitake is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

When was Kalani born? ›

Kalani Brooke Hilliker (born September 23, 2000) is an American dancer and actress. She became known in 2013 as a contestant on the Lifetime reality series Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition and subsequently appeared on Dance Moms, becoming a regular cast member from 2014 to 2017. Mesa, Arizona, U.S.

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Qilin or Kylin, a mythical creature known in various East Asian cultures. Kylin (operating system), a Chinese operating system. Apache Kylin, an open-source distributed analytics engine. Kylin Villa, a place near University Town of Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.

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Alana Mei Kern is a talented actress, model, and social media star who rose to fame modeling clothing brands. As an actress, she has appeared in two films, Raven Beauty (2023) and the soon-to-be-released feature film, The Stranger in My Home, in addition to countless commercial appearances.

How did Kalani get famous? ›

Kalani Brooke Hilliker (born September 23, 2000) is an American dancer and actress. She became known in 2013 as a contestant on the Lifetime reality series Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition and subsequently appeared on Dance Moms, becoming a regular cast member from 2014 to 2017.

Is Kalani a dance teacher? ›

I love being a dance teacher 💗 🏼 make sure to check out my link in bio AZ dancers to come to my master class this Sunday November 26th from 12-2 and Studio Z!

Are Kalani and Kolini twins? ›

Kalani's recent appearances on Pillow Talk with her younger sister Kolini are adding more fuel to the fire, with Asuelu nowhere in the picture. Kolini never made an attempt to mask her disapproval of Asuelu, and has been a supporting character in Kalani's storyline from the start.

How old is kolini Kalani? ›

Wow, I'm 31.

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